
「New Old School」は、「写真」とは何かを問うための挑発的な写真展です。
2018年原宿・VACANTにて「デジタル写真は、写真ではない。」という痛烈なメッセージとともに、 第一回目を行いました。参加者は、写真家・三好耕三に写真を学び、今も「写真」とは何かを問い続けている者たちです。
答えがひとつではないからこそ、自分なりの「写真」に向き合い、つくり続けるしかありません。 二回目となる本展では、「写真は写真」というメッセージに共鳴した者が、フィルムで撮影し、暗室作業を行い、作品を制作しました。
「写真」 とはなんなのだと。「写真」を介した対話を通し、この先へとつなげるための現在地を展示します。
Uta Akane、及川天平、楠 優、酒巻祐花、佐藤 悠、蔡嘉辰、高橋春織、
Wonho Choi、西村 満、堀野浩司、山路雅央、三好耕三の12名。
New Old School is a provocative photography exhibition that explores the fundamental question of what “photography” truly is.
We launched the bold statement with the slogan “Digital photography is not photography” during our first exhibition at VACANT Gallery in Harajuku in 2018.
The participants in this exhibition are individuals who studied photography under the guidance of the photographer Kozo Miyoshi and continue to question what “photography” truly represents.
It is precisely because there is no fixed answer that we must constantly confront our own understanding of “photography” and persist in our creative pursuits.
This exhibition is the second iteration of the New Old School series. The participants resonated with the theme “Photography is Photography” and created their works for this exhibition using film photography and enlarging photos in a darkroom. For us, photography is a prerequisite, and they also use it to express their attitude. This, of course, comes with responsibility and awareness. Nevertheless, it is our duty to present the unquestionable attitude of “treating photography as photography” to the audience, questioning ”What is the essence of photography?” Through this dialogue within the realm of photography, we will showcase the present moment as a path to the future.
【New Old School】是追问“摄影”是到底是为何物的充满挑衅意义的摄影展。
本展为【New Old School】展的第二次展览。参展者们共鸣于“摄影即摄影”这个主题,